On your own at a party? Dec 21, 2023

I can see it now. You've been invited to an Xmas party, or you have an opportunity to attend a festive event, a new year's shindig or whatever, but you’re thinking

“Ughh, it’s cold and wet outside, and I won’t know anyone, and I don’t have the energy for socialising,...

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Are You Waiting for the Universe to Deliver Your Man? Nov 09, 2023

I must admit I get a bit mad when I hear the phrase, 

If it’s meant to be, it will be”.

Or as they say here in Scotland: 

What’s for you won’t go by you”.

It's very convenient, isn't it? It takes responsibility out of...

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Are You Too "Nice" to be Successful in Dating? Nov 09, 2023

Are you always the one who’s doing her best to make sure everyone else is happy and comfortable?

Do you like to find consensus rather than impose your opinion on others?

Are you good at providing sympathy to a friend in need?


Some would say you’re a “people pleaser”...

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6 Excuses That Are Holding You Back From Finding a Good Man Nov 09, 2023

Have you been talking yourself out of finding love?

It’s easy to find a multitude of excuses as to why we can’t find a decent man and so maybe we should just give up.

You might have come to the conclusion that actually you’re better off on your own. You’re far too busy to...

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Why you don't need "THE SPARK" on a first date Nov 09, 2023

You know how it goes… you walk into the bar to meet your date, and there he is sitting at a table, looking super-confident and at ease. He looks up and spots you, and his face lights up with a wide, gorgeous smile. There’s a glass of champagne already waiting at your place, you sit...

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The Secret to Moving on to a Second Date Oct 22, 2023

Do you find yourself bored to death on first dates?

Or maybe it’s not quite that bad, but the conversation isn’t exactly setting the place on fire, and frankly, neither of you are particularly inspired to repeat the performance?

It may well be that you need to learn to “really...

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How to find a good man via online dating Oct 22, 2023

Hint: It means not doing what the apps tell you to do

Are you doing online dating?  If so, good on you! 

It's a great way to bump up the number of potentially good men you come into contact with, which obviously increases your chances of finding a great partner.

But don't rely...

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Why an “ODD” guy could be GOOD guy Jul 24, 2023

One of my early Group Program clients – let’s call her Sarah - came to me after a long string of disastrous encounters with unsuitable men.

In common with a lot of us, she had a very definite picture of the kind of man she wanted: He was tall and handsome, reasonably solvent, worldly...

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Is it OK to lie about your age on your online dating profile? May 15, 2023

A question I get asked a lot and one that came up in a recent call with a group of my clients going through the Dating Evolved program is the issue of whether it’s ok to fib a bit about our age on our online dating profile.


Frustrating but true: Hetero men online tend to set the...

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The Meaningful Life Podcast - Finding a Good Man in Midlife Aug 10, 2022

I recently recorded an interview with marital therapist Andrew G Marshall for his podcast "The Meaningful Life".

Have a listen to find out:

- how to build your confidence around dating

- how to spot the kind of guy who would be good for a relationship

- how to avoid getting smitten with a guy...

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Lessons I Learned About Dating in Midlife Aug 01, 2022

*This article first appeared on NOON.

It used to be so easy didn’t it – sex and relationships? Back in the days of being 20-something there was such a choice of men. If you fell out of one relationship you could just fall right into another.

Back then the world was my oyster. I was a...

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Will my Independence Put Men Off? Feb 23, 2022

Among the most common types of questions I get asked by women over 50 looking to find a man are –

“Am I too independent to attract a man?"

"Are qualities like independence, strength, intelligence a turn-off for men?”

It’s a pretty frustrating thought –...

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