6 Ways to prepare for a good first date May 31, 2024

Many women, when they first start dating, particularly if they’re online dating, they often say that it’s exhausting. They spend a lot of time and energy meeting up with men, only to find the date doesn’t go anywhere or it’s so boring they want to stick pins in their arms...

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Are you a positive dater? May 23, 2024

For many, online dating can be a rough ride. I’ve lost count of the number of women who have initially come to me saying it can never work.. The men on the sites are awful… They get horrible, disrespectful or mind-numbingly boring messages.

But I also have many, many women among my...

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Are there any good men out there? May 15, 2024

When I’m in the initial stages of talking with clients, or when we’re having discussions in the Dating Evolved Facebook Group about online dating – a common refrain is that all the guys on the sites or apps are awful…

There ARE definitely a lot of decent men out...

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5 reasons to consider dating a younger man May 09, 2024

Would you go for a guy significantly younger than you?

As someone happily partnered with a guy several years younger than me, I'm very positive about relationships where the guy is younger than the woman.

And I feel my view is somewhat validated by research on couples with a 10+ year age...

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When is a red flag NOT a red flag? Apr 12, 2024

During calls with my clients we regularly talk about exchanges they’ve had with men online or things they’ve noticed about a guy on a first date, and it seems that many are very ready to write a man off because of a “red flag”.

Of course I absolutely agree that it’s...

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6 questions to ask yourself after a date Apr 10, 2024

If you’ve been following Dating Evolved for any length of time you’ll know that I advocate a “slow burn” approach to getting together with a guy.

I didn’t always think like this. Like many women I thought there had to be “chemistry” at the beginning to...

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How to Avoid a Narcissist Apr 09, 2024

The day I arrived to live in Edinburgh was, I think, the worst day of my life.

Don’t get me wrong – I totally love this city, and it’s one of the best places in the world to live. It just didn’t get off to the best start for me.

The thing is, on that day I was escaping...

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Where to meet good men IN REAL LIFE Mar 29, 2024

Meeting a good man is partly a numbers game.

To meet a man who would suit you for a relationship you’ve got to meet some men. And the more men you can meet, the more chance you’ll find a gem among them.

I always advocate including online dating in your strategy, as it’s a way of...

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10 ways to get your social support sorted and be in a healthy place for dating Feb 27, 2024

One of my mentors, Professor Robin Dunbar is an evolutionary psychologist and biologist and he and his team at the University of Oxford have been studying friendships and social networks for the last couple of decades. He published a review of his work a few years ago and it began with this...

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Do your friends have to like your man? Feb 09, 2024

On a call I had a few months back, my client Nicola* explained her problem with dating.

She feels she can’t go for a guy who’s not especially good looking, or not completely sorted financially. And she says this is because she doesn’t want her friends to think she’s...

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The Best Ever Dating Support for Women Over 50 Jan 15, 2024

You might have noticed that everyone is going on about “reflection” right now – it’s January after all, the time when we think about what’s been working for us, and what we need to do differently.

So I’ve been doing a bit of reflection too. On a personal level,...

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5 Dating Resolutions for 2024 Dec 31, 2023

How did your Christmas go? I hope you had a fab one and got to spend some good times with your friends and/or family.

So now we’re in the in-between time! If you’re lucky enough not to be working, this is when you can relax a bit, watch telly or get started on those books...

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