Client Stories

Is Dating Evolved as good as we say it is? Donā€™t take our word for it ā€“ Check out our recent client success stories.

Jane McLellan, 58
Finance Manager

"I REALLY enjoy the interaction from the wonderful women inĀ the Dating Evolved community. If I'd had this group sooner, I'd have steered clear of some of my disastrous encounters!
Now I'm with a lovely man and am SO very lucky to have him in my life"

Where was she before the Dating Evolved program?

Jane was giving online dating a go, but she was seriously restricting her options by requiring numerous boxes to be ticked ā€“ like location, height, and a love of skiing, cycling and running ā€“ things that arenā€™t vital for a good relationship! Relationships in the past didnā€™t go well because she was attracted to certain sorts of men she now knows were narcissists.

And after the program?

Learning about the Dark Triad (which includes narcissism) and coming to understand her ā€œneedsā€ vs her ā€œwantsā€ wrt relationships was a game changer for Jane, and sheā€™s now together with a wonderful man whoā€™s shorter than her and doesnā€™t ski, but she feels so well looked after, and SO lucky to have him in her life. Theyā€™re into their second year as a couple and love their time together.

Read Jane's Full Story

Jane McLellan, 58
Finance Manager

Katy Gordon, 56,
Careers Director, Southampton.

The Dating Evolved program gave Katy the tools and the confidence, and the other ladies in her group gave her the inspiration and motivation to keep going until she found her man. Best money sheā€™s ever spent, she says!


Where was she before the Dating Evolved program?

Despairing! Sheā€™d got into a pattern of having relationships with unsuitable men. She was addicted to the excitement of seeing these guys but she knew they werenā€™t good long-term prospects. Sheā€™d kept repeating that pattern, never feeling like sheā€™d ever meet a man she could have the kind of relationship she wanted with. She didnā€™t believe men wanted to be with her for ā€œherselfā€. She had low self-esteem around relationships even though she comes across confidently in most areas of life.

And after the program?

Learning the science, Katy said, was key to opening up her mind, and understanding how the unsuitable men seem disproportionately represented out there. She learned to be confident in her own individual quirks and unique qualities. Finally she believed she could find a good guy that she also desired, but that she needed to be proactive to make it happen.
And happen it did. A guy asked her out on a Meetup walking group ā€“ he said he couldnā€™t bear the idea of never seeing her again. And now theyā€™re an item! Theyā€™ve gone on a couple of holidays together and are having a great time. Life is good, and Katy says she couldnā€™t have got there without having been through the Dating Evolved program.

Listen to Katy's Full Story

Katy Gordon, 56,
Careers Director, Southampton.

Jane McLellan, 58
Finance Manager

After being single and independent for a long time, the Dating Evolved program helpedĀ Julie stand tall and realise there was someone out there for her, and crucially she learned how to give the right man a chance. Now sheā€™s in a lovely relationship with a committed, fit & energetic, well-read, glass half-full kind of guy and theyā€™re having wonderful adventures together.

Her life now is better in SO many ways, she says!

Where was she before the Dating Evolved program?

JulieĀ had been widowed for a few years, and as her daughters grew and flew the nest she began to feel lonely and decided she would like a partner in her life. She was nervous about embarking on a relationship though (maybe sheā€™d feel bored, or trapped), and scared of being intimate with someone new ā€“ but she took the plunge and tried online dating. This didnā€™t go well unfortunately, and she came across a long line of unsuitable, out-of-condition men.Ā Julie knew she needed help!

And after the program?

During her time with Dating Evolved,Ā Julie learned how to handle online dating successfully, how to identify the right guys and how to give the wrong ones a wide berth so she didnā€™t waste her energy on them. She received tremendous support from other women in the Dating Evolved community, especially when she faltered along the way, and loved the opportunity to listen and share experiences with others. This helped her keep going until she met David, a lovely, kind man who decided she was ā€œhis girlā€ from the start. Julieā€™s feelings have become warmer and warmer towardsĀ David over time and now sheā€™s enjoying a wonderful LAT relationship with him.

ā€œHe's definitely one of the ā€˜good guysā€™,ā€ she says, and says her story is one of taking it slow and letting affection grow.

Read Julie's Full Story

Julie, 62
(pic is ofĀ Julie & David's romantic breakfast in Paris...)

Jane McLellan, 58
Finance Manager

ā€œThe Dating Evolved Program has taught me to take off the blinkers! That means getting wise about noticing the qualities that really matter in guys, and spotting red flags. But it also means widening your field of view. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done and Iā€™m now with a lovely guy. Itā€™s so nice having someone in my life!ā€


Where was she before the Dating Evolved program?

Jenny was feeling totally disillusioned with dating ā€“ particularly online dating ā€“ having been messed around and hurt by guys ghosting her and playing games. She was focussing too much on superficially attractive traits in men with the result that she wasnā€™t meeting men who were good relationship material.

And after the program?

Through the Dating Evolved course Jenny learned about the really important qualities to go for in a man for a happy lasting relationship. And one of the biggest eureka moments was coming to the understanding that the ā€œsparkā€ at the start really doesnā€™t matter, and the ā€œslow burnā€ is the way to find a quality connection. Her relationship is a ā€œwork in progressā€ and sheā€™s really happy to be on this journey.

Read Jenny's Full Story

Jenny Williams, 54
Fundraising Manager, Edinburgh

Adele Needham, 60,
Retired Emergency Planning Manager,

Going through the Dating Evolved Group Program has been a game changer for Adele. Itā€™s been a massive confidence boost and she learned how to focus on finding a man who has what it takes to make her happy. And now she has ā€“ sheā€™s in a relationship with a wonderful guy!


Where was she before the Dating Evolved program?

Following one dysfunctional relationship (with a man she realised, when she went through the program, that heā€™d been Dark Triad), Adele had been single for several years, despite being very busy with lots of sporting interests and a wide circle of friends. She felt there probably werenā€™t any decent men out there and sheā€™d become despondent and almost resigned to the fact that she wouldnā€™t find anyone good. Her friends assumed she was happy on her own.

And after the program?

Adele was amazed at how much she learned from the Dating Evolved program and how much support and encouragement she got from the other ladies in her group. She learned about what she could compromise on and what her real dealbreakers were. But the big game changer was learning to do online dating successfully! That's how she met Paul, whoā€™s lovely, and very very different from anyone else sheā€™s been with. He makes her feel special, they have fantastic fun together, and she knows that sheā€™s got someone looking out for her. Life has totally changed for the better.

Listen to Adele's Full Story

Adele Needham, 60,
Retired Emergency Planning Manager,

Susan James, 65
Retired Midwife

After Susan had her first date with Tony she realised sheā€™d been smiling and laughing for the whole time she was with him. Over a year later theyā€™ve set up a home together and theyā€™re still smiling, laughing, and having a wonderful time.


Where was she before the Dating Evolved program?

Susan had been widowed for a few years and during lockdown she found herself spending a lot of time on her own and feeling pretty lonely. She wanted to meet someone new but lacked self confidence around online dating and meeting new men. She was worried about being too old for dating, but around the time of starting on the Dating Evolved program she met a new man who swept her off her feet, only to drop her suddenly, making her feel really let down.

And after the program?

As Susan was going through the program she learned about personality and attachment styles and was able to identify that the guy sheā€™d been seeing was an avoidant narcissist ā€“ a fairly toxic combo! She learned so much about herself and what she really needed in a man. So with that in mind, and after broadening her online dating parameters ā€“ age range and location - she quickly met Tony and hasnā€™t looked back. Theyā€™ve been on lots of lovely holidays together, their families have meshed well and now theyā€™re renovating their new home together. Susanā€™s meeting new people, doing new things, going to new places and life is fabulous.

Listen to Susan's Full Story

Susan Reason, 65
Retired Midwife

Jane McLellan, 58
Finance Manager

At 76 and a widow for two years, Cynthia worried that she might be a little old for online dating. But after getting going with the Dating Evolved program she was the first of her small Pod group to get online and start messaging with men. She struck lucky with the 3rd guy she chatted with and now, several months into their relationship, theyā€™re still having a wonderful time together. Cynthia says she couldnā€™t be happier.


Where was she before the Dating Evolved program?

After being widowed 2 years ago Cynthia was feeling pretty lonely. She knew she didnā€™t want to stay on her own but she wasnā€™t really sure how to go about dating or picking the right kind of men, and she absolutely lacked confidence about online dating.

And after the program?

Through the Dating Evolved online course and weekly Pod calls Cynthia learned about the traits in men she needed to find, and also how to spot the ones to avoid. She also learned all about the practicalities of online dating and how to get her profile out there and start with messaging. And she got amazing moral support from the other ladies in her pod. Armed with her new found dating confidence she signed up for online dating and had found her man within 2 months of starting the program. And theyā€™re still going strong nearly a year later!

Read Cynthia's Full Story

Cynthia Murray,Ā 76,
Retired,Ā Cirencester

Here's what other women have been saying about Mairi's work:


“I have met the love of my life ā€“ my soul mate”

“Iā€™ve recently completed the 7 weeks of the Dating Evolved program and it has been absolutely phenomenal!


Before starting Iā€™d been on my own for 9 years and had had some bad relationship experiences, so I was very short on confidence and didnā€™t really know how to approach dating. This program has completely flipped it on its head!


The program completely delivered on its promises and way beyond. This wasnā€™t just because of Mairiā€™s fascinating and incredibly useful advice in the modules and the individual attention she gave, but also because of the fantastic group of women taking part. Each week during the live sessions we had lots of time for discussion and breakout rooms, as well as meeting up online independently too. Weā€™re keeping each other encouraged and accountable and Iā€™m looking forward to keeping up with this as we have our ongoing monthly group calls.


I didnā€™t believe Iā€™d actually be getting myself out and dating interesting men ā€“ but I am! And armed with advice from Mairiā€™s science-based course Iā€™ve had a great deal of fun starting my dating journey and putting everything from the program into practice.


The result was that after speaking with quite a few men and dating a couple, by being open about the type of person I was looking for (instead of my previous list of requirements), I can honestly say I have met the love of my life ā€“ my soul mate and it really is all down to what Iā€™ve learned on this program.


Thank you Mairi ā€“ Your program gave me the confidence to stop worrying about so many things and to just relax and take the first step into the journey with an open mind and an open heart. I have never been so happy x”


- Nancy Harvey, 52,
Procurement Manager

“Iā€™m currently seeing a lovely man”

“Before going through the Dating Evolved Program my biggest dating challenges were around feeling like all the decent men were already attached and that the ones I found on dating sites were wholly incompatible with me. Dating Evolved has helped me take a deeper dive approach into the whole dating scene ā€“ instead of generalising based on the few bad experiences Iā€™ve had. I came to realise there would be good guys out there, I just needed to find them!


The Dating Evolved Program has given me a real turnaround in my mindset. I have now acknowledged my ā€œwantsā€ are different to my ā€œneedsā€ and understand that Iā€™ve been attaching far too much importance to initial attraction. This has equipped me to be much better at finding the man I need and recognising those that I really donā€™t.


Understanding the significance of ā€œmate valueā€ has been an epiphany, and the course has also taught me about my own tendencies regarding attachment styles and given me strategies to deal with those of my partner. All the theory weā€™ve learned in the program makes such good sense and has meant Iā€™ve been able to search more effectively, open up more opportunities and more chances of success.


The course has taught me how to actually desire the man I need, rather than simply relying on chemistry, and Iā€™m putting the advice into practice! Iā€™m currently seeing a lovely man with whom I have lots in common and who ticks many of my ā€™needā€™ boxes. We are both allowing our relationship to mature naturally, nothing rushed, seeing where it goes and simply enjoying the journey. Even if he doesnā€™t end up being ā€˜the oneā€™ I am assured the experience will prove valuable. Throughout the program and beyond I have learned so much more about my needs; the program also made me realise I need to give new relationships a chance and go looking for that wow factor which may not be immediately apparent.


I would so recommend this program! The sessions were perfectly structured and there always seemed to be plenty of opportunities for everyone in the group to say what they needed and receive feedback. Mairi struck a really good balance and made a point of addressing every point we raised. I especially liked the fact that itā€™s all grounded in peer-reviewed science and whenever I tell women about the program itā€™s the science that I rave about most of all!


If you are seriously wanting to find success at dating then you should sign up for this program, I did and have absolutely no regrets.”


- Shona Hotson, 59
IT Project Manager in Financial Services

“Now I know exactly how to spot the men who are no good for me”

“Mairiā€™s course has been brilliant! Itā€™s shown me where Iā€™ve gone wrong in the past and given me the confidence to know that I can make the right choice to achieve a happy and healthy relationship in the future.


The modules on ā€œPersonalityā€ and ā€œAttachmentā€ were especially useful for me. I have always gone for the bad boy and seem to attract narcissists and so now I know exactly how to spot the men who are no good for me and how to find and attract a guy for a secure relationship. The bonus modules were also great and really added value.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Dating Evolved course and looked forward to each Saturday morning session. It was great meeting the other women and being able to share experiences. I loved it! Thank you Mairi for an excellent course, one I would highly recommend!”


- Susan Chambers, 57,

“I am now dating a wonderful guy”

“Since attending the Dating Evolved course my approach to dating has totally changed. For example, I was never a fan of online dating sites, but armed with the tools from the course and support from Mairi and the ladies in our group I decided to take the plunge. I was able to quickly identify those men I needed to avoid and look for the true values and qualities I need in a man now Iā€™m older. The course helped me look deeper into what I really wanted from a relationship.


As a result I am now dating a wonderful guy who in past would not have been on my radar. The key message Mairi makes is important: ā€œDoes this man have what it takes to make you happy?ā€ So far the answer is a definite yes!


I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it very highly indeed. Mairi was fully invested in each and every one of us on the course and her styleĀ is very open and inclusive, making it easy to share as little or as much as you wish. I only wish I had done it earlier and I think so many ladies could benefit from this course! Ā ”


- Adele Needham, 60
Retired Emergency Planning Manager

“10 weeks in weā€™re still together and very much in love!”

“Armed with Mairiā€™s advice I signed up to an online dating site and did pretty much what she suggested and I was amazed ā€“ all these men came back to me wanting a date and there was one I really plugged into, we met up and it was fabulous ā€“ such a great place to be and so different from my usual experience.


Now, 10 weeks in weā€™re still together and very much in love! Weā€™ve already jumped through a couple of hoops. Iā€™ve come to realise that it is not all a bed of roses but there is a real new kind of joy in getting through difficult bits and seeing the other person and myself with fresh eyes. I am profoundly grateful to have found someone who is willing to go on a journey with me. I think the basic humanity of a real relationship has touched me to my core. A bit scary but depth of it brings passion, kindness and insight. There are some fantastic rewards!”


I want to thank you Mairi for giving me the new perspective on love that has allowed this to happen for me. Just goes to show that love can happen if we allow it!”


- Jane Rayner, 54,
NHS Nurse

“(Mairi) has given me the tools and confidence to identify, find, attract and desire the man I need”

“I have absolutely loved Mairiā€™s Dating Evolved course. She has a great balance: very informative, very relevant, honest, sincere and kept light with fun and laughter, and I really enjoyed sharing experiences with the other attendees.


Mairi has very cleverly shown me a clear pathway to finding out what I need, how to avoid what I don't need and how to go about finding a man who I can have a great relationship with. Through sharing a wealth of knowledge in evolutionary biology and psychology, delivered in a very gentle, quite beautiful and extremely professional way, she has given me the tools and confidence to identify, find, attract and desire the man I need!”


- Nicki W, 62,
Assistant Manager Life Sciences Resource Centre

“I am enjoying getting to know a good man”

“Prior to Mairi's course I had been hoping that life would somehow bring me a man to love, but I had been alone for most of the past 20 years. There was no one moment that I thought " Oh yes, I really get it now" but rather a slow drip drip of knowledge and clarity. After the course I think I could have slipped into inaction had it not been for the ongoing monthly support group ā€“ which has proved transformational.


Thank you to Mairi and all the dear ladies in my group who encouraged me and led by example. I eventually signed up to online dating for the first time ever. I had plenty of likes which was a huge boost to my confidence and some nice chats (yes along with some obvious catfishing). One of my likes from the first day or so online has developed into the start of what could be a lovely relationship. I am enjoying getting to know a good man and if I feel reassured that I can attract the right guy. Either this one or another ... there are so many men online! I don't think I could have made this progress without having done the Dating Evolved course and ongoing monthly support group.”


- Flora K

“I feel 100% more able and ready to take on the dating world”

“The Dating Evolved program is a must for any woman of a certain age who is looking for a partner. The world of dating is mainly online which can be a confusing and sometimes murky place where the process of meeting and matching with a ā€œgoodā€ man has become exponentially more tricky! This is where Mairi and her Dating Evolved program comes in!


My experience of the program was that it brought light and clarity with the new (scientific) information plus practical advice to help me navigate this new dating world! The modules on attachment and personality really helped me to think differently about potential matches. I feel I have become more sophisticated in the art of identifying and responding to the little red flags that the not-so-good guys and early on vs. being patient and curious with those matches who werenā€™t immediately my type or 100% attractive to me at first. As I now realise, the really good guys often get overlooked! They are out there, as Mairi keeps reminding us and she can vouch for that!!


The module on online dating was particularly useful and it fast-forwarded me into 21st century dating! My biggest challenge has been in using dating apps, and the program has helped to dispel the negative connotations most older women have around this.


I loved the fact that Mairiā€™s dating advice is grounded in peer-reviewed science ā€“ I find it hugely interesting and the information provides valuable insight into what is happening in society now. The science, combined with Mairiā€™s personal approach and readiness to discuss her own relationship experiences makes for a powerful combination, and really raises the game above other dating advice out there.


Last but not least, by far, was the power of the group in this program. We were a smallish group of lovely women all learning together and supporting one another absolutely all the way, led by Mairiā€™s super caring approach.


Now at the end of the course, I feel 100% more able and ready to take on the dating world, online and beyond! I am confident I will find love out there as I face the challenge with the knowledge I need and my dating evolved friends who are there to support, encourage and celebrate with me when it does finally happenā€¦..and it will!


I would strongly recommend anyone who is serious about finding a partner at a later stage of life to sign up to do the Dating Evolved program with Mairi. It will fast-forward your process and significantly increase your chances of happiness with that special someoneā€¦ā€¦so why not!!ā€ ”


- Claire Robertson, 62,
Mental Health Professional

“Knowing that I'm not alone on this journey has had a huge impact on my whole attitude”


“I would highly recommend the Dating Evolved Group Program to anyone who has felt online dating to be challenging and exhausting. I was one of those people who just thought it would never happen for them but, since doing this program, it has completely changed my whole outlook and opened my mind. I love being part of my group, and having that support from the other ladies and hearing all their updates! Knowing that I'm not alone on this journey has had a huge impact on my whole attitude. I find myself walking down the street with my head held high, looking at people and smiling at them instead of shying away. I'm sleeping better, getting up earlier, excited to start my day.


I feel happier and more confident not just in myself, but in knowing the difference between my 'wants' and 'needs' and my 'dealbreakers' which has opened up my preferences on the dating apps. I've learned that my core values matter, and I shouldn't hide behind them because if I don't show my true self, then I won't meet the right man for me and will continue going from date to date, feeling rejected and disappointed.


I'm no student, but I actually found myself wanting to listen to the weekly modules, and writing in my workbook, which I still find myself referring back to!


Getting your profile right is so important to attract the right type of men, and Mairi's input is have no idea how much until you see what she does with it!


I am genuinely excited about dating for the first time in a long time, and it's all thanks to this program.”


- Lorraine I, 55,
Personal Assistant

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